Okay, so maybe I am not really that ashamed but I AM really sorry! Does that count? I keep promising that I will post more often only to NOT post and fib like a fool! Okay, so the buck stops here! Mark my words: I will post more often and I'm about to set a goal of two posts per week! I can do it! I know I can!
I realize I sound like a loon but I just put in an 18 hour work day on Christmas - I'm beat and probably a little nutty at this point. We had a pretty good day - a busy one - but good. I talked to my wonderful HUSBAND a few times which always make me incredibly happy and today even made me cry. I talked to my mom, my grandmother and my in-laws as well. It was wonderful to hear their voices. Everyone sent great gifts, which I'll explain with pictures later in the week, especially Greg who always manages to outdo himself!! He is so thoughtful and creative - unless you've seen the prizes (yes, I call presents "prizes") he gets me, nothing will prepare you! I truly hit the husband jackpot! Here's a tease: he let me know he has "A WONDERFUL LIFE". Eek, I can't wait to share!!
For now, though, I'm going to wrap this up and hit the sheets. I will be back tomorrow and I'm sure I'll find something interesting to talk about! Perhaps what's been keeping me busy for the last month? Yep, that sounds good. More on that tomorrow.
Until then, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS! And to anyone who lost a child, husband, wife, grandchild, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, or friend in this WAR, this year or any other, my heart and the heart of my family go out to you. Thank you for your sacrifice and I'm just so so sorry for your loss. We are all thinking of you today....